MCAA Meeting August 15, 2018, minutes
MCAA Meeting August 15, 2018
In attendance: Reps: Chris Grote (NE), Tim McDaniel (STL), Zeb Jordan (KC), Mark McNeely (NW), Matt Hitchings (SW), Casey Simmons (OZ) Officers: Shawn Pennington, Matt Hitchings, Casey Simmons
FOP Meeting called to Order
- Legal Defense is going up as of January 1, 2019 – Up to $300 a year from $264 per person. Up $2.25 a month per person per month. Agents that are currently in Legal Defense need to be talked to about raising their monthly dues $2.25.
- National FOP Conference will be held in New Orleans August 11-15, 2019. If anyone is interested, Hotel is Sheraton NOLA. Room rates are $165 a night per double room. For more information, contact Pennington.
Motion to adjourn FOP meeting by Grote. Second by McNeely. Motion carried.
MCAA Meeting called to Order
Old Business
- Secretary minutes/notes were approved. Motion to approve by McDaniel. Grote Second. Motion carries.
- Treasurer’s Report – Simmons handed out copies of all MCAA balances to reps and explained the accounts. Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report by Grote. McDaniel second. Motion carried.
- Roster Updates – three new members – Trent Lane, Kevin Lockard and Travis Goreham. Reps need to get addresses of any members that might have changed.
New Business
- New memberships see above.
- MCAA College Scholarships – Todd Houf reported through email that scholarship applications are down from years past. The scholarship board only received one applicant that met the scholarship guidelines. There was no interest from any agent’s children. McNeely motioned to not award a scholarship this year. McDaniel second. Motion carried.
- MCAA Golf Tournament from June – sponsors brought in $3200.00. Credit card deposits were $140.33. Cash was $66.00. Team entry fees were $21.60. Expenses were $1500 in flight money. $500 for food. T-shirts and signs cost $565.00. Golf course fees were $2,080.00. $26.60 were paid to liquor license. Hole in one insurance was 205.00. Total net profit of $690.13. How in the future can we grow the tournament? How can we get more members involved? Discussions included moving golf course to another part of the state and moving it away from LE appreciation week. Discussions were tabled until next meeting on how to continue to with the tournament for next year and get Chris Boyd’s thoughts on it.
- Other fundraisers/activities for members – could we host a centrally located 3-D shoot, softball tournament, 5K race or cornhole tournament in the future? What would the members be interested in?
- Deaf Camp – Zeb Jordan reported we have approximately $600 left in the deaf camp checking account. We have a private donation of $1,000 for next year. There is a plan to continue deaf camp for at least three more years. MCAA has handled approximately $3,000-$3,200/year from donations in past years to help run the camp. Motion by Grote to continue handling the funds for deaf camp but we will not be donating money from our funds. Jordan seconded. Motion carried.
- NAWEO Scholarships – Scholarships were given this year to Darin Pettit, Susan Swem and Casey Simmons. A summary was given by Simmons on his experience at NAWEO this year in Cheyenne, WY. He enjoyed the conference and attended some good training while there. Motion was made that there will be an expectation of future scholarship winners to attend opening day ceremonies by McDaniel. Jordan seconds. Motion carried.
- CFM Affiliate Summit – will be September 13-14 this year at the Inn at the Grand Glaize. MCAA is an affiliate member of CFM, so if anyone is interested, we can send two people. No one showed interest at this time.
- Online Merchandise – Chris Grote has researched moving some of our merchandise to an online store. The benefits of this would be having an online link to purchase shirts, the company prints and ships it directly to the buyer. Would be less handling of merchandise on our part and be a quicker turnaround time for members that wanted apparel. Motion made by Simmons to go ahead with setting up online store once several questions are answered by distributor. Second by Hitchings. Motion carried.
- Law Enforcement Memorial Fund – It was discussed during last meeting to set up a fund to offer monetary assistance to families of fallen law enforcement officers within specific parameters. McDaniel made a motion to establish protocol for setting up an officer line-of-duty death memorial fund. $50 for any MO Law Enforcement officer, $100 for any Wildlife Enforcement Officer in the United States at the discretion of the MCAA board. These funds will come from the MCAA Foundation account. Grote seconds. Motion carries.
- Board and Regional Representative elections – after discussion, it was determined our by-laws need to be researched and we will continue discussion at next meeting after discussing with members who might be interested in being on the board. Plan is to have elections at December meeting.
- Membership participation – How do we get more members involved? Membership gatherings? We’ve tried a float trip in years past with little involvement. NAWEOA Awards and publications? Annual summary of MCAA business sent out to all members? Have regional MCAA get together? Discuss with members about what they would like to see. Have them come to a quarterly meeting.
- NAWEOA Conference 2019 – Would we be interested in hosting/co-hosting a hospitality night at OKC Conference? It would cost $1000 to sponsor one night of a hospitality room. Discussed co-sponsoring one night for $500. Shawn is going to contact Oklahoma and ask if we could have a raffle, sell merchandise, number of states per night, how much manpower is needed, etc and we will decide.
- MCAA challenge coin – McNeely has researched designing an MCAA challenge coin. He showed some designs and got some prices. Dual sided color coins would be approximately $4 per coin if we ordered 200. McNeely showed three drafts to the reps. Motion by Hitchings was made for McNeely and Grote to come up with a final design and report back to the board. Second by McDaniel. Motion carries.
- Remainder of Pistol Team account money ($365.28) to buy shirts for pistol team. McDaniel makes motion. Jordan seconds. Motion carries.
We will set up a conference call meeting in October.
Next MCAA meeting will be December 10, 2018 at FOP Lodge in Jefferson City.
Motion to adjourn by Grote. Second by McNeely. Meeting adjourned.